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Dầu mỡ bôi trơn TSMoly USA -> Antiseize Compounds & Paste Hợp chất và bột lót chống dính

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Giá : 1,360 pail (45lb) 30.974.000
Bảo hành : 12

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TS-85 Synergel LT [Ts85;85;Stainless Steel Anti-Seize; Antiseize
2 lb Qt Can

Bearings, Some Applications:Good
Container Size:2.5 lb qt can
Heat Stability:Good
Product Line:TS-85
Solids-chemical Resistance:Good
Water Resistance:Good
TS-85 Synergel LT [Ts85;85;Stainless Steel Anti-Seize; Antiseize

TS-85 Synergel LT is similar to TS-84 but for low temperature applications to -50F.



TS-85 Synergel LT Lubricant is not only an excellent stainless antiseize, but, also an excellent bearing lubricant where severe loading and extreme temperature are common. Due to Synergel LT's tendency to "stay put" and its high solids content, it is recommended only for bearings operating at lower speeds.

TS-85 Synergel LT is usable at constant temperatures from -50°F to +350°F.

Chất bôi trơn TSMOLY TS-85 Synergel LT không những là một chất chống dính không gỉ tuyệt vời mà còn là chất bôi trơn bánh răng tải nặng và nhiệt độ cao.
TS-85 Synergel LT có thể sử dụng ở nhiệt độ không đổi từ -50 ° F đến + 350 ° F.


TS-85 Synergel LT is named for both its synthetic fluid components and its synergistic blend of solid lubricating additives. Each of these materials provides excellent anti-wear/extreme pressure performance. In combination, however, they are significantly more effective than any one of them by itself.

In use, Synergel LT exhibits a polishing action which tends to "smooth out" worn areas on the metal surface. In addition, deposits of molybdenum disulfide are formed on the peaks of asperites providing a smooth laminar flow of metal to metal. Repeat make & break of fasteners or fittings lubricated with Synergel LT will result in a highly polished threaded area.

TS-85 Synergel LT adheres readily to metal and is easy to apply.


NLGI Grade2 ½
FluidsBlend of synthetic oils
SolidsProprietary mixture
Solids contents41 ½% by weight
Dropping pointNone, material will not melt
Water resistanceInsoluble
TextureSmooth, tacky
Service Temperature, constant-50°F to +325°F


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Số 59, Đường S1, P. Tây Thạnh, Quận Tân Phú, TP. HCM.

Website: www.vattukythuat.com

hieulongtech@gmail.com | Mr Linh - 0906 787 450